Friday, April 4, 2008

Martin Luther King Jr.

The leader of the American Civil Rights Movement was shot and killed 40 years ago today. The night before, he gave a speech in Memphis, TN that would prove to be his last. It is among his most powerful and moving speeches and the allusions to his own death are chilling. This country is no doubt better for having had Martin Luther King Jr. in it.

Video of the end of the speech.

The entire transcript.


Lindsay said...

He is one of the most powerful speakers I have ever heard. The repetition in this speech is a trait common to many of his speeches, including "I have a dream." Quite the motivational orator.

KJW said...

I'm not usually into conspiracies, but I believe the United States government had a major part in his assassination.

Lindsay said...

Really?! Please theorize.

D.I. Zzo said...

yes, please do.