Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sherman Alexie Rules!

In reading an article about the lawsuit to keep the SuperSonics in Seattle, I came across this fascinating paragraph:

Pechman (the presiding judge) did grant the city one small victory — ruling that author Sherman Alexie can testify as a witness in the June 16 trial. Alexie, winner of the National Book Award, is a Sonics season-ticket holder who is expected to testify on the team's importance to Seattle.


Now go back one post and watch those Griffey videos again.


Lynn said...

Where did you find that article?

D.I. Zzo said...

Seattle P-I

Anonymous said...

1. I have more respect for your love of Griffey following our conversation yesterday
2. I have decided to have slave children, thanks for the life advice
3. I am now on the lookout for Beardy McBowlcut

Lynn said...

I saw Beardy McBowlcut today!

claude said...

Alexie's new YA book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, is pretty good. You should check it out if you want a quick read.

Griffey for Pres!